So, ummmm… Happy Doctors Day!!!
What a great way to return to the COAD… especially since I forgot all about this. Again.
Why, you (didn’t) ask?
Because we’re mostly forgotten on the medical food chain – unless a patient wants to sue of course.
Unlike the nurses – no malice here, I know some awesome ones – our many contributions to health care are relegated to one day of us exhorting each other by sharing clever memes and a few inspirational words.
It’s unfortunate, but we have become accustomed to expecting zero recognition for the work that we do. Besides, many of us didn’t get into medicine for the fame or fortune, but for the love of the craft. Beyond our altruism, there’s a certain smug satisfaction to be had when solving a complicated medical case, or saving a life, or creating something beautiful from a wound. (Side note, I know you probably pictured a mastectomy scar or a well-repaired laceration, but I think a successful ulcer debridement is also beautiful, so to each their own.)
Whatever the reason we chose medicine, this noble profession is simultaneously challenging and rewarding. Cliched, I know. What’s also cliched is the perception that happy doctors are those who selflessly work themselves into the ground and then call in prescriptions from the afterlife.
Who does that to themselves and enjoys it??
Even monks recognize the importance of rest, meditation, and the enjoyment of the wonderful world around us.
Still, it doesn’t hurt to get positive feedback every once in a while. During a recent virtual visit, one of my patients said to me, “That’s why I love you doc; you take good care of me and you don’t be scared to give me an honest answer.”
She was one of my nice “OGs”, like Mr. B, but I still felt warm and fuzzy inside because the sentiment was not only appreciative, but genuine. No pomp or pageantry, just someone expressing that my efforts and service were valued.
A recognition of worth, not accompanied by lip-service, will often be met with boosted morale and an increased willingness to collaborate for better patient care. Just saying.
So, if no one else says it to you today or any other day, especially during this challenging pandemic, here are some positive affirmations:
“You are an awesome doctor!”
“You and your work matter!”
“You did not choose this profession in vain!”
“You are stronger than any challenges you face as a doctor, or as a human being!”
“You are allowed to have that one glass of [insert magic juice of choice].”
HAPPY DOCTORS DAY my dear colleagues! Hope you enjoy in whatever way brings a smile to your face!
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