Today marks 12 years since World Family Doctor Day was first celebrated on May 19, 2010.
WFDD is near and dear to my heart – I am a Family Physician after all.
This year’s theme is, “Family Doctors, Always There to Care“.
Their theme was well thought out, altruistic and timely, as usual. I enthusiastically read through WONCA’s promo page, and downloaded a few graphics for social media and my virtual meeting background.
Then I thought more deeply about WONCA’s breakdown of WFDD 2022, especially as it related to the past two plus years.
Family Physicians have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic from the outset.
We tended to patients not knowing their status and often in less than ideal conditions – for us or them.
We continued to coordinate care. In many cases we assumed the roles of other specialty services as outpatient clinics became more restrictive, and elective surgeries were placed on hold in a bid to not overwhelm the health care system.
Our Family Medicine Department led the way in safety protocol media blitzes, in management and surveillance of employee exposures and illness, and in volunteering to administrate and work in off-site COVID treatment centres.
We did all of this while we fielded questions from concerned friends, family, patients, and the general public.
While we trudged through the grueling monotony of following safety protocols at work and home.
While we faced our own mortality as we went into quarantine or isolation.
While we watched as our colleagues died one by one.
Yes, we are always there to care. Anyone who says otherwise is in deep denial.
Despite the challenges, we continue to strive for and maintain the high standards of the specialty of Family Medicine.
Because it is who we are.
But just as we are always there to care for our patients, we must always remember to care for ourselves.
We cannot provide stellar care if we are burnt out.
So even if you’re feeling wary and unappreciated, take time out today to celebrate yourselves and other Family Docs!
(Aim for that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. You deserve it!)
Happy World Family Doctor Day!!!!!
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